Appendix 1




 1. Delegated functions

 1.1 The Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee shall perform the overview and scrutiny role and function in relation to:

 • Corporate services (including legal and democratic services, policy and corporate communications, performance improvement and programmes)

 • Finance and procurement

 • Human resources

 • IT&D

 • Housing delivery (including regeneration) and Housing supply

 • Culture and leisure services, including arts and creative industries, tourism, leisure, parks & open spaces, seafront

 • Transport, including highways, traffic management and parking management and enforcement

 • Planning policy, conservation and design

 • Waste management and control

 • Economic development and regeneration

 • Environmental awareness & enforcement, and sustainability

 • Safer communities, emergency planning, licensing policy, environmental health and trading standards

 • And any other services within the scope of the Corporate Services and City Services directorates that are not included in the Terms of Reference of another Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

 2. Membership of the Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee

 2.1 All Councillors except members of the Executive may be Members of the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

 2.2 No member may be involved in scrutinising a decision in which they have been directly involved.

 2.3 Members of the Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be appointed by Council in accordance with the rules on political proportionality.

 3. Co-optees

 3.1 The Place Overview & Scrutiny Committee will also include non-statutory non-voting co-optees providing lived experience. These will be:

 • A co-optee from the local Community & Voluntary Sector

 • A co-optee from the Youth Council

• A co-optee from the Older People’s Council

 • A standing invitee to provide lived experience of black and racially minoritised communities.

 3.2 The Council may appoint such additional non-voting co-optees to the Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee as it chooses. Additionally, the Chair of the Committee may invite individuals to attend meetings of the Committee as they consider appropriate to the agenda.

 4. Meetings of the Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee

4.1 The Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee will meet in accordance with a programme of meetings agreed by full Council. In addition, an extraordinary meeting may be called by the Chair or the Chief Executive at any time if they consider it necessary or desirable.

 4.2 The Place Overview & Scrutiny Committee shall meet in public.

 5. Quorum

 5.1 The quorum for Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings shall be 3 elected members.

 6. Chair of Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee

 6.1 The Council will appoint the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

 7. Work programme

 7.1 The Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be responsible for setting its own work programme.

 7.2 The Chairs of the Overview & Scrutiny Committees will work together to manage any overlap between the committee work programmes, minimising duplication.

7.3 Issues appropriate for Overview & Scrutiny may include, but are not limited to:

 • Items on the Council Forward Plan due for executive or Council decision at a later date (pre-decision scrutiny)

 • Issues suggested by members of the public

•      Issues suggested by partner organisations

•      Issues raised by any member, including executive members

•      Issues relating to the performance of council services

 8. Agenda items

 8.1 Agenda items shall be agreed by the Chair of the Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee, reflecting the committee work programme priorities.

8.2 Any voting Member of the Place Overview & Scrutiny Committee is entitled, by giving at least seven working days’ notice before the meeting to the Chief Executive, to request that an item relevant to the functions of the Committee be included on the agenda.

 9. Task & Finish Groups

9.1 The Place Overview & Scrutiny Committee may establish informal task & finish groups to undertake in-depth reviews of specific issues.